HOMEhihenan NEWS CENTER Voice of Henan

New Yinxu Museum to officially open on Feb 26

Source:HICC | 2024-02-19 17:00

  New Yinxu Museum to officially open on Feb 26


On the morning of February 19, the National Cultural Heritage Administration of China held a press conference in Beijing, reporting on the achievements of the inheritance and development of oracle bones in the Yin Ruins, Anyang, with a focus on introducing the construction of the new Yinxu Museum and related opening arrangements. The conference particularly called for support in the global digitization collection of oracle bone inscriptions.


According to the information revealed during the press conference, the highly anticipated new Yinxu Museum will officially open on February 26, 2024 (the 17th day of the lunar calendar). The exhibition hall covers an area of about 22,000 square meters and will display nearly 4,000 sets of cultural relics, including bronze wares, pottery, jade wares, oracle bones, and more. The sheer number and diversity of exhibited cultural relics make it the most extensive exhibition of Shang Dynasty artifacts. Notably, over three-quarters of the precious cultural relics will make their first debut, including a series of newly discovered archaeological achievements that will be showcased for the first time.

记者从发布会上获悉,备受世人瞩目的安阳殷墟博物馆新馆将于2024年2月26日(农历正月十七)正式开馆。殷墟博物馆新馆展厅面积约2.2万平方米,将展出青铜器、陶器、玉器、甲骨等文物近4000件套。展陈文物数量之多、类型之全,都是商代文物展览之最。其中,四分之三以上的珍贵文物属于首次亮相,一系列考古新成果属于首次展示。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨之甜 编译/张蕊 童林 审校/温晓梅)

Web editors: Zhang Rui, Tong Lin


New Yinxu Museum to officially open on Feb 26

HICC2024-02-19 17:00

  New Yinxu Museum to officially open on Feb 26


On the morning of February 19, the National Cultural Heritage Administration of China held a press conference in Beijing, reporting on the achievements of the inheritance and development of oracle bones in the Yin Ruins, Anyang, with a focus on introducing the construction of the new Yinxu Museum and related opening arrangements. The conference particularly called for support in the global digitization collection of oracle bone inscriptions.


According to the information revealed during the press conference, the highly anticipated new Yinxu Museum will officially open on February 26, 2024 (the 17th day of the lunar calendar). The exhibition hall covers an area of about 22,000 square meters and will display nearly 4,000 sets of cultural relics, including bronze wares, pottery, jade wares, oracle bones, and more. The sheer number and diversity of exhibited cultural relics make it the most extensive exhibition of Shang Dynasty artifacts. Notably, over three-quarters of the precious cultural relics will make their first debut, including a series of newly discovered archaeological achievements that will be showcased for the first time.

记者从发布会上获悉,备受世人瞩目的安阳殷墟博物馆新馆将于2024年2月26日(农历正月十七)正式开馆。殷墟博物馆新馆展厅面积约2.2万平方米,将展出青铜器、陶器、玉器、甲骨等文物近4000件套。展陈文物数量之多、类型之全,都是商代文物展览之最。其中,四分之三以上的珍贵文物属于首次亮相,一系列考古新成果属于首次展示。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/杨之甜 编译/张蕊 童林 审校/温晓梅)

Web editors: Zhang Rui, Tong Lin